Battery Cooling Blower Bracket

About this product

The Battery Cooling Blower Bracket (#G923B-33020), an electrical component in Toyota's Battery & Battery Cable system, plays an indispensable role in stabilizing the battery cooling blower. The bracket secures the blower, which is essential for maintaining the optimal temperature of the battery, thus supporting vehicle performance and longevity. A genuine Toyota Battery Cooling Blower Bracket (#G923B-33020) is recommended for perfect vehicle compatibility. Additionally, these genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Battery Cooling Blower Bracket (#G923B-33020) is vital as an aging, broken, or non-functional bracket can compromise the efficient functioning of the battery cooling blower. This could potentially lead to overheating, shortening battery lifespan, and even affecting the vehicle's performance. In conclusion, the Battery Cooling Blower Bracket (#G923B-33020) is integral to the overall safety and efficiency of a vehicle's battery system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G923B-33020

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