Charcoal Canister Bracket #2

The Charcoal Canister Bracket #2 (#777520C130), a critical component in Toyota's Body/Fuel Tank & Tube system, is primarily responsible for securely holding the charcoal canister. This auto part's function is fundamental as it ensures the canister remains stable, especially during movement. The charcoal canister, which collects evaporated gasoline from the fuel tank, relies heavily on the Bracket for proper positioning and functioning. With time, the Bracket can deteriorate and compromise the canister's stability, leading to potential fuel leakage or damage to the canister itself. Regular replacement of this genuine Toyota part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is recommended for vehicle compatibility and performance. By securing the charcoal canister effectively, the Bracket contributes to the efficiency of the fuel system, reducing fuel evaporation and promoting environmental safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77752-0C130

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