Computer Parking Assist Bracket

About this product

The Computer Parking Assist Bracket (#86791-0C020) is a crucial Electrical part in Toyota's Camera & Rear Monitor Display system. This bracket secures the computer that controls the parking assist system, facilitating seamless communication with the camera and rear monitor. As the vehicle is maneuvered, the system's computer uses the bracket to stay fixed, processing live feed from the camera and displaying it on the rear monitor. Just like other car parts, the bracket requires periodic replacement. Ageing or broken brackets could lead to the computer getting dislodged, causing a malfunction in the parking assist system. Genuine Toyota parts like these brackets assure compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Lastly, this bracket ensures that the parking assist system works optimally, enhancing safety and efficiency during parking maneuvers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86791-0C020

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