Cowl Ventilator Bracket

About this product

At the heart of the Windshield Wiper system in your vehicle lies the Toyota Cowl Ventilator Bracket (#55812-52040). This important electrical component helps divert water and debris away from the windshield, providing clear vision during challenging weather conditions. It's a crucial part of maintaining the functionality of the wiper system and ultimately, the safety of the vehicle. Over time, the Cowl Ventilator Bracket (#55812-52040) may become worn or clogged, significantly impeding its performance. A faulty bracket could lead to reduced visibility in inclement weather, posing a risk to safety. Thus, monitoring and timely replacement of this component is critical. By opting for Toyota's genuine parts, you benefit from a perfect fit for your vehicle and the assurance that comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Cowl Ventilator Bracket (#55812-52040) is integral to a well-functioning wiper system, playing a vital role in ensuring your safety on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55812-52040

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