Deck Side Trim Bracket Left Hand

About this product

The Deck Side Trim Bracket Left Hand (#61654-21030), which forms an integral part of the Body section in the Side Member system, plays a crucial role in the structure of a Toyota vehicle. It maintains the alignment and stability of the side trim, which in turn affects the aerodynamic stability of the car while it's in operation. With time, this component may wear out or become damaged, causing misalignment or instability of the side trim. This could lead to increased wind resistance while driving, which in turn can impact the vehicle's fuel efficiency negatively. Regular replacement with Toyota's genuine parts is recommended, as they are designed specifically for compatibility with Toyota vehicles and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, maintaining the integrity of the Deck Side Trim Bracket Left Hand (#61654-21030) contributes significantly to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61654-21030

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