Electrical Key Wire Harness Bracket

About this product

The Electrical Key Wire Harness Bracket (#89743-07020), an important part in the Wireless Door Lock system, plays a pivotal role in protecting and securing the electrical wiring that functions in the wireless locking system of the vehicle. It acts as an anchor, holding the wiring in place to prevent unnecessary movement or disconnection. Specifically designed for Toyota vehicles, this genuine part ensures compatibility and reliable performance. The bracket's functionality can decline over time due to rust or damage, potentially leading to loose wires, electrical disruptions, or even complete failure of the wireless door lock system. Replacement of this part is therefore crucial in order to maintain system integrity and prevent potential safety risks. Genuine Toyota parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering assurance of quality and performance. Overall, the Electrical Key Wire Harness Bracket (#89743-07020) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of the wireless door lock system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89743-07020

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