Electric Vehicle Charger Mount Bracket #2

About this product

The Electric Vehicle Charger Mount Bracket #2 (#G926G-47010) is a crucial element in the Battery & Battery Cable system of Toyota. This component holds the charger of the electric vehicle in the right position, making sure that the charging process is smooth and efficient. The bracket, although sturdy and built to last, can become worn due to the environmental pressures and frequent use. If non-functional or broken, the charging process can be hindered, potentially leading to battery damage or other detrimental issues. For vehicle compatibility, it's essential to use genuine parts, and Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs our Charger Mount Bracket. This part not only ensures the efficient operation of the Battery & Battery Cable system but also significantly contributes to the safety of the vehicle by preventing charger displacement and subsequent charging mishaps.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G926G-47010

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