Front Wheel Opening Bracket #2

About this product

The Front Wheel Opening Bracket #2 (#53862-60050), a crucial component in Toyota's Hood & Front Fender system, performs a vital function by providing stability to the wheel housing. This bracket couples the wheel to the vehicle body ensuring a smooth and secure driving experience. Its robust design maintains the axis alignment of the wheel, aiding in perfect vehicle balance while in motion. Like all components, the Front Wheel Opening Bracket #2 (#53862-60050) may suffer wear over time. When old or broken, the bracket risks compromising wheel alignment, which can disrupt vehicle balance, impact driving control and potentially impair safety. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only offers compatibility with your vehicle but also comes backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Front Wheel Opening Bracket #2 (#53862-60050) plays a role in the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle by maintaining wheel alignment and vehicle balance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53862-60050

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