Fuel Pump Control Computer Bracket

About this product

The Fuel Pump Control Computer Bracket (#89573-08030), an integral electrical component within the Electronic Fuel Injection System, plays a crucial role in keeping the fuel pump regulator secured and stable. As part of this system, it assists in managing the precise fuel-air mixture, ensuring optimal vehicle performance. Genuine Toyota parts like this are critical for compatibility and are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this bracket becomes worn or damaged, it can compromise the stability of the fuel pump regulator, leading to inefficient fuel-air mixtures and decreased vehicle performance. Therefore, periodic replacement is crucial to maintain optimum function. In conclusion, the Fuel Pump Control Computer Bracket (#89573-08030) not only enhances the efficiency of the system but also contributes to the overall safety and reliability of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89573-08030

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