Jack Support Bracket #2

About this product

The Jack Support Bracket #2 (#58968-04010) is a crucial body part in the Rear Floor Panel & Rear Floor Member system of a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to support the jack when changing a tire or performing undercarriage maintenance. Operating in tandem with other parts in the system, the Jack Support Bracket #2 (#58968-04010) ensures that the jack remains stable, allowing for safe and efficient vehicle maintenance. Genuine Toyota parts enhance compatibility with your vehicle, and the Jack Support Bracket #2 (#58968-04010) is no exception. Over time, this part may wear out or become damaged. If left unchecked, a compromised Jack Support Bracket #2 (#58968-04010) could lead to instability when jacking up the vehicle, posing a safety risk. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended. With the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty, a new Jack Support Bracket #2 (#58968-04010) can contribute significantly to the overall safety of your vehicle's maintenance procedures.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58968-04010

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