Motor Cable Bracket

About this product

The Motor Cable Bracket (#G1143-48020), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Transaxle Assy (Hv Or Ev Or Fcv) system, has a pivotal role in securing and routing the motor cables. This intricate mechanism ensures the cables are kept in place, preventing issues such as entanglement, disconnection, or wear that could arise from constant movement or vibrations when the vehicle is in operation. The Motor Cable Bracket (#G1143-48020) may experience wear over time, becoming loose, cracked, or broken, which could potentially lead to cable damage or system malfunctions. Therefore, regular inspection and replacement with genuine Toyota parts is vital for maintaining optimal performance and compatibility. Toyota supports its genuine parts with a robust warranty. To conclude, the Motor Cable Bracket (#G1143-48020) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by maintaining proper cable routing, reducing potential cable damage, and ensuring a smooth, reliable performance of the Transaxle Assy system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G1143-48020

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