Navigation Antenna Bracket

About this product

The Navigation Antenna Bracket (#86862-58020), a crucial electrical component in the Navigation & Front Monitor Display system in Toyota vehicles, serves a pivotal role in maintaining the orientation of the navigation antenna. This bracket is responsible for holding the antenna in the optimal position for receiving GPS signals. With time and use, this bracket may wear out or break, leading to a misaligned antenna, which can cause inaccurate or completely lost GPS signals. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is necessary for the navigation system to function accurately. Using only genuine Toyota parts for replacements not only ensures compatibility but also provides coverage under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Navigation Antenna Bracket (#86862-58020) contributes to the overall efficiency of the navigation system, thereby enhancing the safety and convenience of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86862-58020

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