Power Steering Bracket

About this product

The Power Steering Bracket (#89658-48040), a key component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota automobile, plays a fundamental role in securing the power steering pump to the engine. This sturdy bracket ensures that the pump maintains its position, allowing it to effectively control the direction of the vehicle. This vital function necessitates the use of genuine Toyota Autoparts, as these parts are explicitly designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, genuine Toyota Autoparts come with the assurance of the Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Power Steering Bracket (#89658-48040) becomes worn, damaged, or non-functional, it may result in the power steering pump becoming loose or dislodged, potentially leading to a loss of steering control. Thus, it is crucial to periodically replace this part to maintain the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89658-48040

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