Relay Bracket

About this product

The Relay Bracket (#85999-33180) is a critical component in the ABS & VSC system, serving as a mount for the electrical relays that control these systems. These relays, supported by the bracket, regulate operations like ABS activation and VSC responses. The Relay Bracket (#85999-33180)'s functionality largely depends on its integrity. If it becomes worn, broken, or non-functional, the relays it supports could become unstable or dislodged, disrupting the performance of the ABS & VSC system. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Relay Bracket (#85999-33180) is essential for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your vehicle. By using genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is facilitated and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Relay Bracket (#85999-33180) plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient operation of the ABS & VSC system, contributing significantly to your vehicle's overall functionality and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85999-33180

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