Relay Bracket

About this product

The Relay Bracket (#85999-60140), a vital component within Toyota's Electrical Switch & Relay & Computer system and the Electrical Wireless Door Lock system, plays an indispensable role in securing the relays. These relays regulate the flow of electricity in these systems, ensuring optimal performance. When functioning properly, the Relay Bracket (#85999-60140) holds these relays firmly in place, providing stability and reducing the risk of electrical mishaps. Over time, the Relay Bracket (#85999-60140) may wear out or get damaged, raising the likelihood of relay misalignment or dislodgement. This could disrupt the regulated flow of electricity in these systems, leading to issues in their operation. Hence, periodic replacement of this genuine Toyota part is necessary. Rely on genuine Toyota parts for perfect compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By taking care of this foundational component, you contribute to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle's electrical and locking systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85999-60140

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