Roof Headlining Bracket #2

About this product

The Roof Headlining Bracket #2 (#63229-06010), classified under the Body part of the Roof Panel & Back Window Glass system, is a crucial component in a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to hold and secure the roof headlining, maintaining the structure and shape of the roof. The bracket functions in harmony with the roof panel and back window glass, keeping the protective headlining firmly in place. Genuine Toyota parts like this bracket are essential for maintaining vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the bracket may wear out or get damaged, necessitating replacement. If not replaced, a worn-out or damaged bracket could result in a loose, sagging roof headlining, potentially causing distractions or obstructing the rear view. In essence, the Roof Headlining Bracket #2 (#63229-06010) significantly contributes to the operational efficiency and safety of the Toyota vehicle, ensuring a comfortable and secure driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 63229-06010

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