Rear Combination Lamp Mounting Bracket

About this product

The Rear Combination Lamp Mounting Bracket (#61663-12010), an essential electrical part in the Rear Combination Lamp system, plays a critical role in securing the combination lamp to the vehicle. This piece, made with precision design for Toyota vehicles, maintains the correct positioning of the lamp, enabling it to function optimally while illuminating the rear of your car. Should the bracket become damaged or worn, the lamp may become misaligned, impeding its efficiency and potentially compromising safety. Therefore, regular inspection and periodic replacement of the Rear Combination Lamp Mounting Bracket (#61663-12010) is advised. Genuine Toyota parts like this offer superior compatibility with your vehicle, and they're backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. Remember, a well-mounted and efficiently functioning rear combination lamp contributes greatly to the overall safety of your vehicle on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61663-12010

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