Rear Floor Heat Insulator Bracket #3

About this product

The Rear Floor Heat Insulator Bracket #3 (#58348-60040), an essential body part in Toyota's Rear Floor Panel & Rear Floor Member system, plays a primary role in maintaining the vehicle's interior temperature. This bracket secures the floor heat insulator, which protects the vehicle's interior from engine and exhaust system heat. Without this bracket, the insulator may be exposed to vibration and movement, leading to premature wear and potential failure. Old, damaged, or non-functional brackets can compromise the effectiveness of the heat insulator. This may allow excessive heat to penetrate the vehicle's interior, creating an uncomfortable environment for passengers and possibly damaging other components. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Rear Floor Heat Insulator Bracket #3 (#58348-60040) not only ensures compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The proper functioning of this bracket contributes to the overall comfort, efficiency, and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58348-60040

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