Rear Seat Console Box Bracket Lower

About this product

The Rear Seat Console Box Bracket Lower (#589F6-47010), a crucial body part in the Console Box & Bracket system, plays a pivotal role in stabilizing the console box of your Toyota vehicle. This part holds the seat console box firmly in position, providing an evenly distributed support to prevent any movement or vibration while on the road. The bracket's proper functioning relies on its robust design and high-quality material. Over time, the bracket may become worn or damaged, offering less support to the console box. When this happens, replacement with a genuine Toyota part is recommended. Genuine parts are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If a bracket becomes old or broken, it can compromise the stability of the console box, leading to unnecessary movement or even damage to the console system. Therefore, maintaining the bracket's optimal condition contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's console box system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 589F6-47010

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