Seat Cushion Climate Control Bracket

About this product

The Seat Cushion Climate Control Bracket (#85868-33010), a significant component in Toyota's Body Front Seat & Seat Track system and the Body Seat & Seat Track system, plays a critical role in maintaining the comfort and safety of vehicle occupants. This bracket is a supporting component that stabilizes the seat cushion, allowing the proper function of the climate control system within the seat. Aging, wear and tear can compromise its strength and stability, potentially causing discomfort or disruption to the seat's climate control functionality. Regular replacement of genuine Toyota parts, including this bracket, is crucial due to their precise fit and compatibility with your vehicle. All genuine parts from Toyota come with a manufacturer’s warranty, providing extra peace of mind. This particular part, when in optimal condition, contributes to the efficiency of the seat systems and heightens passenger comfort and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85868-33010

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