Seat Cushion Climate Control Bracket

About this product

The Toyota Seat Cushion Climate Control Bracket (#85868-AC010) is an essential Body part in the Front Seat & Seat Track system. Its primary role is to hold the climate control unit in place beneath your vehicle's seat cushion, ensuring consistent temperature regulation and a comfortable ride. Genuine parts, such as this, provide the best compatibility with your vehicle, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of this bracket is necessary as aging, breaking, or clogging can lead to inconsistent climate control in your seat cushion, compromising comfort. Moreover, a non-functional bracket can lead to inappropriate shifting of the climate control unit, which could negatively impact other parts in the Front Seat & Seat Track system. Overall, the Seat Cushion Climate Control Bracket (#85868-AC010) contributes to the system's effectiveness by maintaining the correct positioning and operation of the climate control unit, enhancing your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85868-AC010

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