Sliding Roof Housing Si Mt Bracket #3 Right Hand

About this product

The Sliding Roof Housing Si Mt Bracket #3 Right Hand (#61283-60021), a crucial part of the Roof Panel & Back Panel system in a Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in stabilizing the vehicle's sliding roof housing. This bracket allows the sliding roof to move seamlessly, ensuring optimum functionality. When this part becomes worn or breaks, it can hinder the sliding roof's smooth operation and possibly result in the roof becoming stuck or misaligned. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended and essential for maintaining the integrity of the roof system. Opting for genuine Toyota parts increases compatibility with your vehicle and offers peace of mind with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This bracket contributes significantly to the overall performance and safety of the roof system, ensuring a secure and effective function of the sliding roof.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 61283-60020
Part Number 61283-60021

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