Front License Plate Bracket Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Front License Plate Bracket Sub-Assembly (#75101-0C040), a critical body part in the Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system, holds and secures your vehicle's license plate. It fits perfectly, maintaining alignment and preventing any vibration or rattling of the license plate while the car is moving. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimum compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this bracket may wear out or get damaged, leading to instability of the license plate. This can cause noise, distraction, and could even result in the loss of the license plate. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. The Front License Plate Bracket Sub-Assembly (#75101-0C040) contributes greatly to the overall safety of the vehicle system. It ensures the license plate is clearly visible and securely attached, supporting legal compliance and preventing potential hazards on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 75101-0C040

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