Front Bumper Bracket Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Front Bumper Bracket Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#52015-60030) is an essential body part within the Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system of your Toyota vehicle. This vital auto part primarily serves as a structural support, securing the bumper in place and absorbing impact during collision. This function is critical in maintaining the safety and integrity of the vehicle's bodywork. However, over time, the Front Bumper Bracket Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#52015-60030) may become worn or damaged which could compromise the vehicle’s accident performance. For this reason, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is advised. Genuine parts are designed to fit your specific model perfectly and are covered by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. In conclusion, a well-maintained Front Bumper Bracket Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#52015-60030) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by ensuring that the front bumper functions as intended in the event of a collision.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 52015-60030

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