Fuel Tank Support Bracket Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Fuel Tank Support Bracket Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#57062-78040), a vital Body part within the Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system, plays a major role in supporting and securing the vehicle's fuel tank. This genuine Toyota part safeguards the fuel tank from potential damage by maintaining its proper positioning, enhancing vehicle compatibility. With time, the Support Bracket can wear out or break, leading to an unstable fuel tank. This poses risks such as fuel leakage, secondary damage to surrounding parts and even potential fire hazards. Therefore, periodic replacement is crucial; Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs each replacement. This component significantly contributes to the vehicle's overall safety. By securing the fuel tank in its place, it minimizes the risk of fuel spillage during collisions or under rough driving conditions, thereby enhancing the safety factor of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57062-78040

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