Millimeter Wave Radar Bracket Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Millimeter Wave Radar Bracket Sub-Assembly (#88201-60010) is a critical component in the Toyota Cruise Control (Auto Drive) system. This electrical auto part primarily serves as a support structure, securing the millimeter wave radar sensor, a crucial part that detects obstacles and vehicles in the path of the car. The proper functioning of the radar depends on the stability provided by the bracket sub-assembly. Over time, the bracket may wear out, become loose or break due to regular use or an accident, potentially compromising the radar's performance. This could result in inaccurate readings, placing the safety of the vehicle and its occupants at risk. Therefore, periodic replacement of the bracket is highly recommended. It's important to note that using Toyota's genuine parts assures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by the Toyota genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Millimeter Wave Radar Bracket Sub-Assembly (#88201-60010) contributes significantly to the Cruise Control system's effectiveness, promoting safer, more controlled driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88201-60010

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