Side Step Bracket Sub-Assembly #2

About this product

The Side Step Bracket Sub-Assembly #2 (#51077-60080) is a crucial component of the Toyota Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system. Its main function is to provide support and stability to the side step, contributing to the vehicle's accessibility and overall safety. The sub-assembly includes the bracket itself and any associated hardware necessary for a secure fit. Over time, this part may experience wear and tear, making periodic replacement necessary for optimal performance. If left unchecked, an old or damaged Side Step Bracket Sub-Assembly #2 (#51077-60080) could compromise the stability of the side step, risking potential safety hazards. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts not only aids in vehicle compatibility but also allows for peace of mind, as these components are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-maintained Side Step Bracket Sub-Assembly #2 (#51077-60080) enhances both the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51077-60080

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