Throttle Body Cover Bracket

About this product

The Throttle Body Cover Bracket (#22277-50040), an integral component within the Fuel Injection System of a Toyota vehicle, plays an essential role in securing the throttle body cover. This Engine-Fuel part holds the cover in place, protecting the throttle body from dirt, debris, and potential damage. It ensures the throttle body functions optimally, contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle. Periodic replacement of the bracket is necessary. Over time, it can become worn or damaged, potentially compromising the security of the throttle body cover. If left unchecked, this could lead to the throttle body being exposed, leading to decreased performance or even mechanical failure. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only provides a perfect fit but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This offers peace of mind that your vehicle is provided with quality parts designed specifically for Toyota vehicles. The Throttle Body Cover Bracket (#22277-50040) is a testament to this, contributing to the proper functioning and longevity of the Fuel Injection System.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 22277-50040

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