Tool Bag Band Bracket

About this product

The Tool Bag Band Bracket (#58785-34010), a critical body part located in the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, serves a primary role in keeping the tool bag securely fastened within the vehicle. This bracket is specifically designed for a snug fit, ensuring that the tool bag remains firmly held during vehicular movement. Periodic replacement of this part is vital as over time, the bracket may wear out or break, leading to a loose tool bag that can cause distractions or potential hazards while driving. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are highly recommended for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Tool Bag Band Bracket (#58785-34010) is indispensable for maintaining order within your vehicle and enhancing driving safety by preventing unexpected movement of the tool bag.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58785-34010

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