Washer Bracket A

About this product

The Washer Bracket A (#85337-62020), a key electrical component within the Windshield Washer system, plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient operation of your Toyota. This part is responsible for holding the washer securely in the right position, allowing it to effectively clean the windshield for safe driving. Over time, the Washer Bracket A (#85337-62020) may wear down or become damaged, negatively impacting the performance of the Windshield Washer system. Toyota recommends the periodic replacement of this part to maintain optimal function. If left unchecked, an old or broken bracket can lead to misalignment, resulting in poor windshield cleaning and potential visibility issues. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Washer Bracket A (#85337-62020), offers compatibility with your vehicle and the peace of mind that comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Washer Bracket A (#85337-62020) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, making every journey a safe one.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85337-62020

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