Welcab Seat Rod Support Bracket #1

About this product

The Welcab Seat Rod Support Bracket #1 (#C7485-D1460), a key component in Toyota's Seat & Seat Track system, plays an integral part in maintaining the stability of the Welcab seat. It functions to securely fasten the seat rod, helping to sustain the structural integrity of the seat under operation. The components involved in this function are the seat rod itself, the bracket and the fastening elements. The significance of this crucial body part cannot be overstated. However, due to continuous use, the bracket may wear down over time and require replacement. A worn-out or non-functional bracket can lead to a loose seat rod, resulting in less stable seating which could pose a safety risk. Remember, genuine Toyota parts ensure vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The use of the Welcab Seat Rod Support Bracket #1 (#C7485-D1460) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle, providing a stable and secure seating experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number C7485-D1460

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