Brg Set-Crankshaft

About this product

The Brg Set-Crankshaft (#SU003-04555), an integral part of the Crankshaft & Piston system in Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in the engine's fuel system. As part of its function, it reduces friction between the crankshaft and the rest of the engine, enabling smooth operation. Genuine Toyota auto parts, like the Brg Set-Crankshaft (#SU003-04555), not only provide compatibility with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Brg Set-Crankshaft (#SU003-04555) may age or wear down, necessitating replacement. Neglected, an old or damaged Bearing Set can lead to increased friction, engine noise and even critical engine failure. In conclusion, the Brg Set-Crankshaft (#SU003-04555) contributes significantly to a vehicle's overall efficiency by ensuring frictionless, smooth operation of the engine, thus ensuring its longevity and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04555

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