Bracket C

About this product

The Bracket C (#SU003-04165) is a vital component of the Fuel Tank & Tube system in your Toyota vehicle, playing an essential role in securing the fuel tank in place. When this body part is operating correctly, it aids in maintaining the position and stability of the tank, essential for both the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's fuel system. Being a genuine Toyota auto part, Bracket C (#SU003-04165) is designed with the precise fit for specific vehicle models in mind, thereby improving vehicle compatibility. Additionally, Toyota backs all its genuine parts with a warranty. Over time, the Bracket C (#SU003-04165) may wear out, become damaged or broken, potentially leading to instability or displacement of the fuel tank. This could result in fuel leaks or a reduction in fuel efficiency. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary to maintain optimum performance and safety. In conclusion, Bracket C (#SU003-04165) plays a crucial role in enhancing both the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's Fuel Tank & Tube system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04165

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