Bulb Assembly

About this product

The Bulb Assembly (#81936-32010) is an integral part of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system in your Toyota vehicle. As an electrical component, its primary role is to illuminate the controls and indicators, providing essential information about the system's performance and status. Over time, due to constant use, the Bulb Assembly (#81936-32010) may burn out or lose its intensity, impeding visibility and potentially causing issues in managing your vehicle's heating and air conditioning. As such, periodic replacement of this part is recommended. Using genuine Toyota parts for this replacement is crucial as they are designed specifically for Toyota vehicles and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, maintaining a functional Bulb Assembly (#81936-32010) contributes to the overall safety and effectiveness of your vehicle's Heating & Air Conditioning system, allowing you to manage your vehicle's temperature controls efficiently.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81936-32010

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