Meter Bulb

About this product

The Meter Bulb (#83119-03010), an essential electrical part in the Meter System of a Toyota vehicle, fulfills the crucial role of providing illumination to the dashboard meters. It enhances visibility, allowing drivers to accurately read speed, fuel levels, and other important indicators while driving. This Bulb operates by receiving electrical energy, which it converts into light, illuminating the necessary elements on the dashboard. Periodic replacement of the Meter Bulb (#83119-03010) is necessary as over time, it can become dim or non-functional due to regular wear and tear. This could lead to difficulty in reading the meter, impairing the driver’s ability to monitor vehicle performance. Using genuine Toyota parts can optimize vehicle compatibility and offer reassurance, as they are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A fully functional Meter Bulb (#83119-03010) contributes significantly to the vehicle's safety by providing accurate, vital information about the car's performance to the driver.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 83120-02050
Part Number 83119-03010

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