Front Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly #1

About this product

The Front Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly #1 (#48304-60010), a crucial component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, serves a primary role in absorbing shock and maintaining vehicular stability. As the vehicle goes over rough or uneven surfaces, this part compresses and rebounds to mitigate the impact, aiding in a smoother ride. It's critical to replace the Front Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly #1 (#48304-60010) periodically as it can degrade over time and lose its effectiveness, potentially leading to a more uncomfortable ride and increased wear on other suspension components. Genuine Toyota parts offer optimum compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Front Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly #1 (#48304-60010) contributes significantly to the overall comfort, efficiency, and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48304-60010

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