Rear Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Rear Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#48306-60201), a key part in the Drive-Chassis, plays a pivotal role within the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system of Toyota vehicles. This integral component functions as a buffer, absorbing the bulk of shock and vibrations that result from driving on uneven surfaces, thereby ensuring a smoother ride. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts, such as this, not only promotes vehicle compatibility but also grants customers the added reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Due to the immense pressure and constant use, the Rear Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#48306-60201) may wear out over time. If it becomes old or broken, the system's ability to absorb shock can be significantly reduced, potentially leading to a rougher ride and increased wear on other suspension components. Conclusively, a well-functioning Rear Spring Bumper Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#48306-60201) enhances the overall efficiency of Toyota's suspension system, providing a comfortable ride and contributing to the longevity of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48306-60200
Part Number 48306-60201

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