Bus Interface 10X

About this product

The Bus Interface 10X (#90118-WA861), an essential auto part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between different vehicle systems. This Electrical part interprets and broadcasts data, ensuring seamless integration and operation of various vehicle functions. If the Bus Interface 10X (#90118-WA861) becomes old or damaged, it can disrupt the communication between systems, leading to potential malfunctions or even safety issues. As such, periodic replacement of this part is strongly recommended to maintain optimal vehicle performance and safety. Manufactured to Toyota’s exacting standards, using genuine Bus Interface 10X (#90118-WA861) parts not only achieves the best compatibility with your vehicle but also comes backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. This part, therefore, contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle. Take note that offering genuine and high-quality parts such as the Bus Interface 10X (#90118-WA861) is quintessential in keeping your Toyota vehicle in top shape.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WA861

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