Bushing & Boot Kit

About this product

The Bushing & Boot Kit (#04477-26010), a key Drive-Chassis part within the Brake Tube & Clamp system, serves a crucial role in maintaining the function and safety of your Toyota vehicle. This kit works to protect and cushion the various parts within the system, reducing vibration and wear during operation. A properly functioning Bushing & Boot Kit (#04477-26010) also helps in preserving the longevity of other related parts within the system. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Bushing & Boot Kit (#04477-26010), not only enhances compatibility with your Toyota vehicle but also offers the reassurance of being covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like all parts, the Bushing & Boot Kit (#04477-26010) requires periodic replacement to prevent the risk of damage from a worn out or non-functioning component, which could lead to further system failure or safety issues. In conclusion, the Bushing & Boot Kit (#04477-26010) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle by protecting and extending the life of the Brake Tube & Clamp system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04477-26010

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