Radiator Suppor Bushing

About this product

The Radiator Support Bushing, a genuine Toyota Autoparts product, plays a critical role within the Radiator & Water Outlet system of the Engine-Fuel part category. This component helps stabilize the radiator, allowing it to maintain an optimal position for efficient cooling. Genuine Toyota Autoparts like the Radiator Support Bushing are perfectly compatible with Toyota vehicles and come with Toyota's parts warranty. If the Radiator Support Bushing becomes old or damaged, it might not hold the radiator correctly, leading to inefficient cooling and potentially overheating. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is vital. By maintaining the radiator in its correct position, the Radiator Support Bushing contributes significantly to the overall cooling efficiency and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16584-61030
Part Number 16548-68070

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