Shift Lever Bushing

About this product

The Shift Lever Bushing (#33548-30010), an essential component within the Drive-Chassis Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft, the Drive-Chassis Shift Lever & Retainer and the Drive-Chassis Transfer Lever & Shift Rod systems of a Toyota car, plays a crucial role in smooth gear shifting. This auto part acts as a buffer, reducing friction between moving parts, enabling seamless transition between gears. Over time, this bush can wear out or break, causing difficulties in gear shifting, which might lead to potential damage in the transmission system. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota auto parts, which are known for their vehicle compatibility, is recommended. Remember, these genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, adding to their trustworthiness. The shift lever bush significantly contributes to the efficiency of the transmission system, ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33548-30010

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