Slide Bushing

About this product

The Slide Bushing (#27351-64060), an engine-fuel part in the Alternator system of Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in the system's functionality. It is primarily responsible for ensuring the smooth sliding action of other components within the system, thereby promoting their optimal performance. Over time, the Slide Bushing (#27351-64060) can become worn out, clogged, or even broken due to constant friction. This can lead to inefficiencies or failures within the Alternator system. The use of genuine Slide Bushing (#27351-64060) replacements from Toyota is advisable, not only for their compatibility with your vehicle but also for the peace of mind offered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failure to replace an old or non-functional Slide Bushing (#27351-64060) could result in an under-performing Alternator system. A fully functional Slide Bushing (#27351-64060), however, contributes significantly to the efficient performance of your vehicle, making it an essential part to maintain.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 27351-64060

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