Stabilizer Link Bushing

About this product

The Stabilizer Link Bushing (#48849-60050), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system, plays an instrumental role in maintaining the balance and stability of the vehicle while it is in motion. This pivotal component acts as a cushion, absorbing the shock and ensuring a smoother ride. Periodic replacement of the Stabilizer Link Bushing (#48849-60050) is essential. When old or worn out, it can compromise the vehicle's stability, possibly leading to handling issues and impacting the overall safety and performance of your Toyota. Genuine parts from Toyota are recommended, which not only ensure superior vehicle compatibility but are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In a nutshell, the Stabilizer Link Bushing (#48849-60050) is an unsung hero in maintaining your vehicle's efficiency, performance, and safety, making your driving experience smoother and more reliable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48849-60050

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