Transfer Shift Lever Bushing

About this product

The Transfer Shift Lever Bushing (#36324-60070), a Drive-Chassis part with a crucial role in the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system of your Toyota vehicle, offers an essential link in the shifting mechanism. This small yet robust component aids in providing smooth gear changes by reducing friction and vibration in the shift lever. Over time and with regular use, this part can wear out, which may cause the transmission to become sloppy and hard to engage. This is why it's vital to periodically replace your Transfer Shift Lever Bushing (#36324-60070) with a genuine Toyota part, as it is designed to be fully compatible with your vehicle and comes backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Bushing ultimately contributes to the car's overall efficiency and safety by ensuring precise control over the vehicle's gear changes, leading to a smoother and safer driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36324-60070

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