Valve Guide Exhaust Bushinging O/S 0.05

About this product

The Toyota Valve Guide Exhaust Bushinging O/S 0.05 (#11127-50040) is a crucial engine-fuel component housed within the Cylinder Head system. Its primary role is to guide the exhaust gases safely out of the combustion chamber while ensuring optimal alignment of the valves. This precision part aids in dissipating heat and reducing wear on the valve stems, essential in maintaining engine performance. However, this part can deteriorate over time due to the harsh conditions it operates in. If the bushing becomes old or clogged, it can hinder efficient exhaust flow, causing potential damage to the engine and reducing vehicle performance. Toyota strongly recommends periodic replacement with genuine parts to maintain vehicle compatibility and extend engine lifespan. Remember, genuine Toyota parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This Valve Guide Exhaust Bushinging not only contributes to the overall efficiency of the cylinder head system but also ensures a safe and smooth driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 11127-50040

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