Reclining Remote Control Cable Assembly

About this product

The Reclining Remote Control Cable Assembly (#72590-48030) is a vital component within the Rear Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota's vehicles. This body part primarily allows the rear seats to adjust and recline remotely, facilitating comfort for the passengers. During operation, the cable assembly signals the seats to move as per the user's commands, providing an added layer of convenience. However, over time, this part may become worn out, clogged, or broken, thereby affecting its operation. When this happens, the seats may not recline properly or may even get stuck in one position. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary to maintain optimal functioning. By incorporating genuine Toyota parts, you are investing in parts that have been designed exclusively for your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This can significantly improve compatibility and longevity. Moreover, the Reclining Remote Control Cable Assembly (#72590-48030) is instrumental in enhancing the overall comfort and safety within the vehicle's seating system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72590-48030

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