Cable Assembly Rear #2 Seat Cushion Lock

About this product

The Cable Assembly Rear #2 Seat Cushion Lock (#72660-48020), a crucial body part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the rear seat's lock and release mechanisms function properly. This assembly facilitates movement of the seat cushion by transmitting motion from the handle to the locking mechanism. Over time, this part may deteriorate due to wear and tear, resulting in a malfunctioning seat lock system and impacting the safety and convenience of the vehicle's occupants. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Cable Assembly Rear #2 Seat Cushion Lock (#72660-48020), are recommended for optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. These genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A faulty or non-operational assembly can compromise the vehicle's safety and efficiency, underlining the need for regular checks and periodic replacement of this key part.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72660-48020

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