Rear Seat Lock Control Cable

The Rear Seat Lock Control Cable (#726950C050) is a crucial component in the Body/Seat & Seat Track systems of a Toyota vehicle. This auto part's primary role is to secure the car seat in place, contributing to the vehicle's overall safety and occupants' comfort. It functions by linking the seat lock mechanism to the lever, allowing the user to adjust the seat's position as required. However, like all mechanical components, the Rear Seat Lock Control Cable (#726950C050) can become worn or damaged over time. If this happens, the seat may not lock properly, posing a safety risk. Therefore, it's essential to periodically replace this part with a genuine Toyota part. Genuine parts not only provide perfect compatibility with your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Rear Seat Lock Control Cable (#726950C050) is a small yet essential part that contributes significantly to the safety and comfort of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72695-0C050

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