Defroster Damper Control Cable Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Defroster Damper Control Cable Sub-Assembly (#55906-52010), an integral component of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, is responsible for controlling the direction of air to the defrost vents in a vehicle. This Electrical part from the authentic Toyota Autoparts line adjusts the defrost air damper to regulate air flow throughout the system. As a crucial part in maintaining visibility and safety, it's essential to replace this component periodically. An old or non-functional Defroster Damper Control Cable Sub-Assembly (#55906-52010) may lead to insufficient defrosting capability, resulting in less than optimal visibility during cold weather or high humidity conditions. Supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the reliability of this part contributes significantly to the overall vehicle safety and operational efficiency. Remember, using genuine parts ensures optimum compatibility with your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55906-52010

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