Door Window Regulator Cable Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Door Window Regulator Cable Sub-Assembly (#69088-0C010), a key component in Toyota's Roof Panel & Back Panel system, plays a crucial role in controlling the movement of your car's windows. As you operate the window switch, this cable assembly engages with the electric motor, and the regulator to raise or lower the window glass smoothly. Over time, the cable may wear out, causing inefficiencies in window functioning, hindering visibility, and even posing potential safety risks. Remember, regularly replacing this authentic Toyota part, which is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can prevent such problems. This assembly not only ensures the seamless operation of your car windows but contributes significantly to driving safety and vehicle compatibility. Convenient, efficient, and reliable - that's what this genuine Toyota part offers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69088-0C010

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